Sublime With Rome

Sublime with Rome features Eric Wilson, formerly of the American ska punk band Sublime, singer and guitarist Rome Ramirez, and drummer Carlos Verdugo. While their roots are in the band Sublime, Ramirez said of the new album, “A lot of these songs really came from honestly me being in a spot where I wanted to just write. I just got married, I was having my first child. Things were starting to change for my life; I stopped drinking hard alcohol. Everything was starting to come into focus for this for the next chapter.” The band brings the soul, punky reggae energy, and rhythm that for me defines Southern California. I’m so pleased that Carlos will be joining us for an AirDrummer show along with Matt Ochoa from Dirty Heads.


You can also listen to this podcast with Carlos Verdugo on – please subscribe to the show, thanks!

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