I have to say Ween is definitely one of the most original acts in music. They were formed in 1984 by childhood friends Aaron Freeman and Mickey Melchiondo.  Despite never receiving much mainstream recognition, Ween developed a large, devoted cult following and garnered critical acclaim. They are known for their funny songs and strange sounding music. This style has been termed alternative rock and experimental rock. Ween has also been known for countless references to food, most notably the New Jersey regional favorite pork roll, found in the lyrics to four Pod tracks: “Pork Roll, Egg & Cheese”, “Frank”, and “Awesome Sound”. On June 1, 2018, Warner Brothers released a compilation album titled Bananas and Blow, according to Melchiondo, the band had no knowledge of the compilation until it was released. 

Claude Coleman Jr. is the brilliant drummer for the alternative rock group Ween. He has also worked with Eagles of Death Metal, Chocolate Genius, The Wooden Soldiers, Elysian Fields and 3 Input Woman.

A multi·instrumentalist, Coleman is also the singer/songwriter for his own group Amandla. In 2006, he released his second album as Amandla, titled The Full Catastrophe. In June 2013, Coleman raised $11,158 through Indiegogo to fund his third album.

Coleman is also active in music education through the Paul Green School of Rock, and through the New York City music program Music Ascension. Throughout his musical career, especially when touring with Ween, Coleman has been known for his creative percussive styles (e.g. playing his drum set bare·handed in when performing live in Chicago, to emulate a “bongo·esque” sound).

Coleman endorses Aquarian drumheads, Bosphorus cymbals, and Vater drumsticks.

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